If unexpected mishaps like getting caught in the rain, your dog licking you, or spilling something on yourself occur after your spray tan, don't fret! Taking a quick shower immediately is the best course of action to rinse off the bronzer without compromising the development of your tan over the next 8-12 hours.
When time is of the essence, follow these steps for a speedy rinse-off session:
Step 1: Speedy Shower Setup
Jump into the shower and quickly rinse your body with lukewarm water. Focus on gently washing off the bronzer without scrubbing too harshly. A quick rinse is all you need to remove the superficial bronzer layer without affecting the developing tan underneath.
Step 2: Skip the Soap
To save time and prevent premature fading of your tan, skip using soap during this quick rinse-off. Lukewarm water alone should be sufficient to remove the bronzer, allowing your tan to continue developing smoothly.
Step 3: Pat Dry and Moisturize
After your brief shower, pat your skin dry gently with a towel. Remember not to rub vigorously, as this can cause the tan to fade unevenly. Once dry, apply a light moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and promote an even tan development.
Step 4: Embrace the Process
Trust the process and let your tan develop naturally over the next 8-12 hours. Despite the quick rinse-off, your spray tan should continue to deepen and reach its full bronzed glory.
Remember, accidents happen, but with a quick and gentle shower, you can easily rinse off the bronzer while allowing your spray tan to develop beautifully. Stay confident knowing that your bronzed glow will shine through in no time!
